3年前,一则耐人寻味的广告沸沸扬扬地喧闹海内外:“蒋介石失去的,毛泽东得到的,全卖给你!”于是,江西庐山历史名人别墅大拍卖名噪一时,成为1992年至1993年中国房地产开发中,最充满火药味、最引人注目的一宗。据不完全统计,当时海内外有上百家新闻媒体介入,大炒此闻。 如今3年多过去了,庐山名人别墅拍卖转让怎么样了呢?最近,笔者获悉,庐山名人别墅大拍卖再度易手已经流产。香港运通年公司在饱尝别墅转让失败苦果之后,不得不仍然为出路而烦恼……欲知内情,请读下文。
Three years ago, an intriguing advertisement boasted noisy at home and abroad: “Chiang Kai-shek lost, Mao Zedong get, all sold to you!” So, Jiangxi Lushan historical celebrity villa big-name fame, become 1992-1993 China Real estate development, the most full of gunpowder, the most striking one. According to incomplete statistics, there were hundreds of news media at home and abroad involved and scorning this news. Now more than three years later, the Lushan Celebrity Villa auction how to transfer it? Recently, I was informed that the celebrity villa Lushan auction once again changed hands. Hong Kong Express Company in years after the failure of the transfer of villagers suffer bitterness, had to worry about the way out ... For more information, please read below.