原因之一:偏位的现行体制带来了“困惑”原因之二:偏差的政策法规导致了“困惑”原因之三:偏低的干群素质生发了“困惑”原因之四:偏颇的舆论导向增添了“困惑” 乡镇政权是我国国家机器的基础组成部分,犹如木之本,水之源。乡镇运转不灵,整个机器就不活。眼下,社会处在转型时期,政治经济体制急剧变革、社会利益格局重新调整,农村工作因此出现许多新变化。面对变化了的新情况,不少乡镇干部感到无所适从。农村工作“硬办法不敢用,软办法不
One of the reasons: the current system of deviation brings ”Puzzle “ The second reason: the deviation of the policies and regulations led to ”puzzled “ The third reason: the low quality of cadres germinal ”puzzled “ Fourth: biased orientation of public opinion has added ”confusion “ Township government is the basic component of China’s state machine, like the wood of the source of water. Township is not working, the entire machine will not live. At the moment, the society is in a period of transition, the political and economic system has undergone a drastic change and the social interests have been readjusted. Many new changes have taken place in rural work. Faced with changing new situations, many township cadres feel helpless. Rural work ”Hard way not to use, soft way not