Development of a Kit Choosing Medicine Rapidly for Maricultural Bacteriosis

来源 :Animal Husbandry and Feed Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:JK0803_hlw
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[Objective] This study aimed to develop a kit to rapidly choose an appropriate medicine for maricultural bacteriosis. [Method] By screening enriched bacteria, solid medium and medicine and comparing effects of rapidly choosing medicine, a kit that could pick up the right medicine quickly for mariculture bacteriosis was created. [Result] The pilot test in some regions showed the kit had ideal yesalts and was easy to operate. [Conclusion] The kit, a convenient and useful kit to detect drug sensitivity, can help users select effective drugs from many common medicines rapidly and accurately, and it is mainly suitable to use in the rapid selection of an appropriate medicine for maricultural bacteriosis. [Objective] This study aimed to develop a kit to rapidly choose an appropriate medicine for maricultural bacteriosis. [Method] By screening enriched bacteria, solid medium and comparing and comparing effects of rapidly choosing medicine, a kit that could pick up the right medicine quickly [Result] The pilot test in some regions showed the kit had idealizedalalts and was easy to operate. [Conclusion] The kit, a convenient and useful kit to detect drug sensitivity, can help users select effective drugs from many common medicines rapidly and accurately, and it is mainly suitable to use in the rapid selection of an appropriate medicine for maricultural bacteriosis.
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