先天性泪囊瘘是一种罕见的发育性缺陷,有上皮衬托的瘘管连接皮肤至泪总管。有些病例连接至泪囊。由于它开口于皮肤表面,经常有粘液及泪液流出,易造成泪囊感染及泪道阻塞,导致终生流泪。自188年以来我院采用手术方法治疗先天性泪囊瘘,收到较好效果,现报告并讨论如下。 1 临床资料:本组5例,其中男2例,女3例。年龄4岁~12岁,瘘管均为单侧,除1例伴有耳前瘘管外,其余4例无其它全身先天异常。全部患者瘘管均位于内眦角鼻下方,鼻泪道通畅4例,不通畅1例。右侧2例,左侧3例。
Congenital dacryocystorhinostomy is a rare developmental defect with epithelial fistula connecting the fissure to the tear duct. Some cases connect to the lacrimal sac. Because it is open to the skin surface, often mucus and tears flow, can easily lead to lacrimal sac infection and lacrimal duct obstruction, resulting in lifelong tears. Since 188 years in our hospital surgical treatment of congenital lacrimal fistula, received good results, are now reported and discussed below. 1 clinical data: The group of 5 patients, including 2 males and 3 females. Aged 4 to 12 years old, fistula were unilateral, except 1 case with preecological fistula, the other 4 cases without other systemic congenital anomalies. Fistula of all patients were located within the hypothalamus, nasolacrimal patency in 4 cases, 1 case of unobstructed. Right in 2 cases, left in 3 cases.