三尖杉属植物是我国特产树种,其中三尖杉(Cephalotaxus fortunei Hook.f.)、中国粗榧(C.sinensis Li)和蓖子三尖杉(C.oliveri Mast)分布地区广、资源丰富.1963年美国Paudler等从日本粗榧(C.harringtonia var drupacea)和三尖杉中分到三尖杉碱(Cephalotaxine);1969年以后,Powell等报道从日本粗榧中又分到多种生物碱,其中三尖杉碱的酯类化合物对小鼠P_(388)和L_(1210)有一定疗效.
Cephalotaxus is a kind of endemic tree species in China. Among them, Cephalotaxus fortunei Hook.f., C.sinensis Li and C. oliveri Mast are widely distributed and abundant in resources . In 1963, Paudler et al. Of America divided Cephalotaxine from C.harringtonia var drupacea and Cephalotaxus. After 1969, Powell et al. Reported that they were subdivided into many species from Japanese crab Alkaloids, of which three of cedarpine ester compounds on mice P_ (388) and L_ (1210) have a certain effect.