Based on the principle of stereology, the uniaxial loading scanning test of coal samples was carried out by using industrial CT test system. The curve of the squared eigenvalue of the fracture tensor is obtained by using different thresholds for the obtained CT scan image. The threshold value corresponding to the inflection point of the graph is selected as the threshold value of the image binarization, and the threshold value is calculated to be the value of the second order tensor Good threshold. At the same time, it realizes the binarization of the image line and the extraction of characteristic region parameters in stereology, and proposes the concept of square sum of eigenvalues as the parameter to describe the degree of damage of coal samples. In three-dimensional reconstructed fissured coal samples, three orthogonal surfaces were chosen to construct the relationship between the square sum of the second-order tensor eigenvalues and the porosity, which laid the foundation for further describing the fissure damage of coal samples in three dimensions.