互联网正动摇着这个古老国度人们由来已久的生活方式以及思维模式。在这个冷漠但有序的特殊世界里,曾经含蓄的人们变得异常的开放,绝对的公开成为一种合情合理,人们已经习惯于对着一些有棱有角的机器嘻笑怒骂。尽管迄今为止的中国,只有14%的人知道互联网,但这恰恰成为对《财富》所谓“欲独霸世界,先逐鹿中国”理论一个最好的诠释。 “网”的妙处就在于人一旦陷入其中,往往是不能自拔,越挣扎还会被束
The Internet is shaking the long-standing lifestyle and mode of thinking of this ancient country. In this indifferent but orderly special world, once the implicit people became unusually open and absolutely open to make a sense of fairness, people were accustomed to sneering at some angular machines. Although so far China has only 14% of the people who know the Internet, it is precisely the best interpretation of what Fortune calls the theory of “wanting to dominate the world and defeating China first”. The beauty of “net” is that once people fall into them, they are often unable to extricate themselves, and the more they struggle,