知识经济浪潮的冲击和世界军事领域的深刻变革 ,对我军现代化建设带来了新的机遇和挑战 ,也对我军干部队伍的综合素质提出了新的更高的要求。我军干部工作 ,必须立足于知识经济的时代特征和当代军事发展的客观要求 ,勇于实践 ,不断深化干部制度改革 ,为实现“打得赢、不变质”目标提供制度保障。
The impact of the tide of knowledge economy and the profound changes in the world military field have brought new opportunities and challenges to the modernization of our armed forces and also set new and higher requirements on the overall quality of the ranks of our army cadres. The work of our military cadres must be based on the characteristics of the times of the knowledge economy and the objective requirements of contemporary military development, have the courage to practice it, continuously deepen the reform of the cadre system and provide institutional guarantees for the goal of “winning a war and not deteriorating.”