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幼儿从家庭迈入幼儿园是踏入社会的第一步。但因为年龄特点关系,适应幼儿园生活非常慢,往往会持续1—2个月的时间,对幼儿的身心造成不利。《幼儿园教育指导纲要》中指出:要充分利用幼儿园和社区的资源优势,面向家长开展多种形式的早期教育、指导等服务,促进幼儿家庭教育质量的不断提高。杭州市实验幼儿园地处杭州老城区的人口密集小区,0~3岁散居的婴幼儿较多,大多由祖辈家长进行日常生活中的管理、教育,年轻的父母亲 Children entering kindergarten from home are the first step into society. However, because of the age-specific relationship, it is very slow to adapt to kindergarten life and often lasts 1-2 months, which adversely affects young children’s physical and mental health. “Kindergarten Education Guidance Outline” pointed out: To make full use of kindergartens and community resource advantages, parents facing various forms of early education, guidance and other services to promote the continuous improvement of the quality of early childhood family education. Hangzhou Experimental Kindergarten is located in the densely populated area of ​​Hangzhou’s Old City. There are many infants and young children aged 0 ~ 3 years old. Most of them are governed and educated by their ancestral parents in their daily lives, and young parents
“材料作文”因其在考察学生文字表达能力的同时,还考查学生的阅读理解、分析概括、归纳推理等多方面的综合思维能力,所以它一直是中考作文的难点。  就所提供的材料而言,或是名人逸事,或是警句箴言,或是幽默风趣的漫画、照片、图片,或是给人以启迪的小故事、寓言、诗歌等等,其内涵丰富,范围广阔。  读懂材料,把握材料的主旨,是写好材料作文的关键。而要把握其关键,就得认真研究“材料作文”的客观规律。纵观材料作文