【美国《核子周刊》 1999年 1月刊报道】 田纳西管理局 (TVA)拥有的核电机组 1998年的运行情况在全美排名均位于前2 0位 ,在世界上均位于前 5 0位。这个排名是根据容量因子和总的发电量来确定的。TVA的布朗斯弗里 2号机组、塞科亚 2号机组和瓦茨巴 1号机组的容量因子都在95 %
[The United States “Nuclear Weekly” January 1999 report] The nuclear power unit owned by the Tennessee Authority (TVA) in 1998 was ranked in the top 20 in the US rankings, and was ranked in the top 50 in the world. This ranking is determined based on the capacity factor and the total power generation. The capacity factors of TVA’s Brownsville Unit 2, Sacoya Unit 2 and Vazeba Unit 1 are all at 95 %.