一 “四人帮”窃据文艺界部分领导权期间,他们在天津的那个死党,成了美术界的女霸天。她秉承江青意旨,搞所谓“黑画”展,陷害画家,破坏工艺美术的制作和出口,把矛头指向我们敬爱的周总理。还把黑手伸进艺术院校,破坏艺术教学的基本训练和创作实践。在她对某美术学院臭名昭著的“谈话”中,把艺术院校的教师都比成吃人的老虎,胡说什么一个很好的青年进美术学院几年就被“吃掉”了!党领导下的毛主席革命红线照耀
During the leadership of the “gang of four” who stole some literary and art circles, their budding party in Tianjin became the hegemony of the fine arts world. She adhering to the purpose of Jiang Qing, engage in the so-called “black painting ” exhibition, framed painters, destroying the production and export of arts and crafts, to spearhead our beloved Premier Zhou. He also put black hand into art colleges and destroyed the basic training and creative practice of art teaching. In her notorious “conversation” with an Academy of Fine Arts, she compared art college teachers to eating tigers and nonsense of a good young man to the Academy for a few years to be “eaten” The revolutionary red line of Chairman Mao under the leadership of the party shines