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本文带您走进科多巴美国新落成的工厂,领略传承顶尖弦乐工匠技艺的Master系列尼龙弦吉他的风采。科多巴公司和国际吉他沙龙公司(简称GSI)的总部设立在加州圣塔莫尼卡的同一幢楼内,从我的办公居住之所出发,步行便可到达。整条街以住宅为主,散发着慵懒的气息,两家公司的总部大楼仅有两层高,砖块堆砌的外墙难以名状,如此陋室令人难以想象其中竟蕴藏珍宝。穿过大厅便是GSI的主 This article takes you to Cordoba’s new U.S. factory to learn more about the Master Series nylon string guitar, which is based on top string artisans’ skills. Cordoba and International Guitar Salon (GSI) have their headquarters in the same building in Santa Monica, California, and are within walking distance of where my office is located. The whole street is dominated by dwellings, emitting a lazy atmosphere. The two companies’ headquarters are only two stories high, bricks-and-mortar walls are unsustainable, so unbelievably hard to imagine in them. Through the hall is the main GSI
一、选择时间  如果中老年人喜欢在清晨去跳舞,在跳舞前最好最好喝杯温开水,能促进血液循环的作用。而且早饭后40分钟左右再开始跳舞,较为适宜。晚上六点以后尽量不要再跳比较剧烈的舞蹈,因为太过兴奋会影响睡眠。年长的学员如果在跳舞后出现气喘嘘嘘、汗流浃背、肌肉持续酸痛等情况,也不要认为那是最佳状态,很有可能已经属于运动量过大,时间久了就是运动过度,体力透支,反而对健康不利。   二、选择场地  尽可能避