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马来西亚是个美丽神奇的国度,中国与马来西亚是友好近邻,中国人移民马来西亚已有悠久的历史,早在明代郑和船队初到满刺加时,他们就看到那里已有华人。中国人大规模来大马则是清末鸦片战争后,他们在大马落地生根,与马来人、印度人及其他友族参与大马独立运动,为国家的建设付出了鲜血与汗水。马来西亚现今总人口大约有2200万。其中马来人约占一半,华人约占30%,约600余万人,是世界上除中国和新加坡以外,华人人口占总人口比例最高的国家。在马来西亚,英语、马来语、华语(普通话广东话客家话福建话)都相当流行。华人以广东人、福建人、广西人及海南人居多、马来西亚的政治基本上掌握在马来人的手里;华人则掌握了国家经济的大部分。华人多聚居于城市,并以经商者居多,而且凭借自己的勤劳智慧,在南洋创下了一片天地。总体而言,大多数华人家庭属于中产阶级,过着富足的生活。华人在马来西亚的商界、政界都享有一定的声誉和地位,如今有近十位担任政府部长、副部长和政务次长,更有无数商界骄子和百业精英。华人社会申有乡会、社团组织。也有各行业工会。马来西亚华人工会(MCA)是华人在马来的最大政党。马来华人拥有许多自由.例如可以保留自己的文化、习俗和宗教,可以开办华语学校.出版华语报纸、图书。马来政府对华人社会基本上采取不横加干涉的态度。马来西亚的华人中,祖籍广西的华人、华侨达到60万人,占世界各国广西籍华侨、华人总数的第二位。这里我们采访了几位在大马学习、工作、长大的广西人,从中了解广西人在大马的生活与经历。 Malaysia is a beautiful and beautiful country. China and Malaysia are friendly neighbors. The Chinese immigrants have a long history in Malaysia. As early as the Ming Dynasty when the Zheng He fleet was full, they saw the Chinese there. After the Opium War in the late Qing Dynasty, the large Chinese people came to take root in Malaysia and took part in the Malaysian independence movement with Malays, Indians and other friends and gave blood and sweat to the country’s construction. The total population of Malaysia today is about 22 million. About half Malay, 30% Chinese and about 6 million people are Chinese with the highest proportion of the total population except China and Singapore. In Malaysia, English, Malay, Mandarin (Mandarin Cantonese Hakka Hokkien) are quite popular. Chinese are predominantly Cantonese, Fujian, Guangxi and Hainan, and Malaysian politics is largely in the hands of Malays; Chinese are masters most of the nation’s economy. Chinese live in cities more often, and mostly businessmen, and by virtue of their hard-working wisdom, setting a world in Nanyang. In general, most Chinese families belong to the middle class and live a prosperous life. The Chinese people in Malaysia enjoy a certain reputation and status in business and political circles. Now they have nearly 10 government ministers, deputy ministers and government affairs chiefs, and countless businesspeople and business elites. The Chinese community has affiliates and associations. There are also various trade unions. Malaysian Chinese Workers Union (MCA) is the largest Chinese in Malaya. Malayan Chinese have many freedoms, for example, they can keep their own culture, customs and religion, and they can run Chinese schools, publish Chinese newspapers and books. The Malaysian government basically adopts the attitude of not interfering with the Chinese community. Among Chinese in Malaysia, there are 600,000 Chinese and overseas Chinese native to Guangxi, accounting for the second largest number of overseas Chinese and overseas Chinese in Guangxi in the world. Here we interviewed several Guangxi people who studied, worked and grew up in Malaysia and learned about the life and experiences of Guangxi people in Malaysia.