能登文敏教授应邀来我院访问 日本秋田大学矿山学部部长、工学博士,能登文敏教授及夫人于五月二十九日至六月一日对我院进行了访问.双方就发展两校友好关系等问题进行了会谈,并于六月一日上午签署了阜新矿业学院与秋田大学矿山学部结为姊妹学校的协议.我院院长刘伟东,日本秋田大学矿山学部部长能登文敏分别代表两校在协议书上签字.煤炭工业部教育司副司长郑昌荣、高教处处长徐志先参加了签字仪式.
Professor Deng Wenmin was invited to our hospital to visit Japan’s Akita University Mines Division Minister, Doctor of Engineering, Professor Deng Wenmin and his wife visited our hospital from May 29 to June 1. The two sides discussed the development of friendly relations between the two universities The two sides signed an agreement on the formation of a sister school between the Fuxin Mining Institute and the Department of Mines of Akita University on the morning of June 1. Weibo Liu Weidong, Dean of the Academy of Sciences and Dean of the Department of Mining, Akita University of Japan, respectively, Signed by Zheng Changrong, deputy director of the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Coal Industry Xu Zhixian, director of higher education attended the signing ceremony.