光肩星天牛(Anoplophora glabripennis)是兖州县杨树的主要蛀干害虫,发生普遍、危害重。为了巩固绿化成果,摸索有效的防治途径和方法,1982年我们承担了林业部和省林业厅联合下达的“防治光肩星天牛开发试验研究”项目。四年来,我们对光肩星天牛生物学特性、防治技术及效益等方面做了些试验研究,取得了一定的成果,压低了虫口,控制了危害,挽回了部分经济损失,促进了林业生产的发展。
Anoplophora glabripennis is a major pest of poplar in Yanzhou County. It is common and harmful. In order to consolidate the achievements in greening and exploring effective ways and means of prevention and control, in 1982 we undertook the project of “Experimental Research on Prevention and Control of Anoplophora glabripennis” jointly issued by the Ministry of Forestry and the Provincial Forestry Department. In the past four years, we have made some experimental studies on the biological characteristics, prevention and control technologies and benefits of Asteraceae, and have achieved some results. We have lowered the population of insects, controlled the harm, saved some economic losses and promoted the development of forestry production.