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化学感受器瘤并不常见,现将我科10余年来遇见的二例报告如下: 例1:女,51岁。患者因右上腹钝痛伴腹胀二天于1976年9月30日入内科,同年5月曾有类似发作,持续两天后缓解。检查:体温37℃,脉搏84次,血压110/70毫米汞柱。一般情况好,浅表淋巴结不肿大,心尖区有Ⅲ级收缩期杂音,二肺无特殊,腹软,肝肋下平脐,剑突下5厘米,质硬,边缘钝,触痛明显,脾未扪及,化验:血、尿常规及肾功能检查正常,甲胎阴性,因诊断不明转外科剖腹探查,术中见肿块巨大,约20×10×15cm,紧贴下腔静脉,外侧与腹壁粘连,下界位右肾上方,上界与肝尾叶融合,背侧为腹后壁,肿瘤呈暗红色,表面布满迂回曲张之血管,因无法切除仅取一小块送检,临床诊断肝肿瘤。镜检:瘤细胞多边形或不规则形,胞浆丰富淡红色均匀或细颗粒状,胞核圆或卵圆,染色质细网状,核仁明 Chemoreceptor tumors are not common, and two cases that we met in our department for more than 10 years are reported as follows: Example 1: Female, 51 years old. The patient entered the Department of Internal Medicine on September 30, 1976 due to dull pain in the right upper abdomen with abdominal distension. There was a similar attack in May of the same year, which lasted for two days. Check: body temperature 37°C, pulse 84, blood pressure 110/70 mm Hg. In general, the superficial lymph nodes are not swollen. There is a class III systolic murmur in the apex, no special lungs in the two lungs, a soft abdomen in the lungs, a flat umbilicus under the ribs, and 5 cm under the xiphoid surface. The quality is hard, the edges are blunt, and the tenderness is obvious. Unsuccessful, laboratory tests: blood, urine routine and renal function tests were normal, A fetus was negative, due to unclear diagnosis of surgical laparotomy, intraoperative see a huge mass, about 20 × 10 × 15cm, close to the inferior vena cava, lateral and abdominal wall Adhesion, lower right border above the right kidney, upper bound with the hepatic tail lobe, dorsal abdominis posterior wall, tumor was dark red, the surface of the blood vessels filled with circuitous varicose veins, due to unresectable only take a small sample, clinical diagnosis of liver Tumors. Microscopic examination: The tumor cells are polygonal or irregularly shaped, the cytoplasm is rich in light red uniform or fine granular, the nucleus is round or oval, the chromatin is fine mesh, and the nucleolus is
电热水器使用期限为10~12年。丢弃有理:电热水器内部有一关键性部件——阻止腐蚀内胆的镁棒。使用时间过 Electric water heater life of 10 to 12 years. Discard rational:
在一个人体上,先后发生不同类型的恶性肿瘤,临床上较少见。我们曾遇到4例,现报告如下: 例一:男,38岁。1972年5月因鼻衄行鼻咽粘膜活检,证实为鼻咽癌。转肿瘤医院放射治疗后
本文讨论了在结肠双对比造影中,用点片装置投照侧卧水平位的意义和价值。对操作技术作了介绍。分析15例结肠息肉的X线表现。肠壁轮廓线的交叉和气泡等必须和息肉鉴别。 This
一种皮下门静脉贮液器已经制成,用于向门静脉灌注化疗药物以治疗不能切除的转移性肝癌。作作者讨论一了这种装置的临床应用及效果。 A subcutaneous portal vein reservoir