
来源 :机械工人 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangyangyingzi
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我厂大修理摇臂钻床时,由于这钻床的工作台面很硬,很难铲刮,所以虽花费了近十个人工,还是做不好。老师傅针对这个问题,提出了如附图的合理化建议,利用钻床上的主轴牙箱1装上砂轮来磨工作台面,质量达到了要求,并大大减轻了工人的劳动强度。把钻床主轴牙箱1上的主轴拆去,在牙箱底面用螺钉和螺帽装上一块三角铁2,在三角铁上装一个小马达3。马达上装一个小碗形砂轮4,砂轮要装得一面偏高,使它在切削 When I repaired the radial drilling machine, it was difficult to scrape because of the hard working surface of the drilling machine, so it cost nearly ten workers to work well or not. In response to this problem, the teacher proposed the rationalization proposal as shown in the accompanying drawings. The use of the grinding wheel on the spindle gear box 1 on the drilling machine to grind the countertops met the quality requirements and greatly reduced the labor intensity of the workers. Remove the spindle on the drill spindle gear box 1, install a piece of triangular iron 2 with screws and nuts on the underside of the box, and a small motor 3 on the triangular iron. A small bowl-shaped wheel mounted on the motor 4, the wheel to be mounted side high, making it in the cutting
络铵化合物电解镀锌,主要是利用锌离子与氯化铵生成络铵化合物,即ZnO+NO_4Cl→ Ammonium complex electrogalvanizing, mainly the use of zinc ions and ammonium chlorid
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本文提出,供应状态下的高速钢的质量不仅应根据碳化物等级而且应根据珠光体等级进行检验。——编者 This paper proposes that the quality of HSS in the supply state sho