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对三聚氰胺的理化性质、用途、毒性、限量标准、测定方法等方面进行简介,并从技术的角度,对“三聚氰胺事件”进行了深入的探讨和思考。通过分析指出,仅仅建立食品中三聚氰胺的测定方法还不够,只有对食品中蛋白质测定方法进行完善,才能全面地杜绝类似事件的发生。 The physical and chemical properties of melamine, use, toxicity, limit standards, methods and other aspects of the introduction, and from a technical point of view, “melamine incident ” conducted in-depth discussion and reflection. Through analyzing, it is not enough just to establish melamine in foodstuffs. Only by perfecting the method of protein determination in food can similar events be completely eliminated.