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优秀文化典籍是文化之根,文明之源。荆楚文化是中国传统文化的重要组成部分,湖北是楚文化的发源地,也是南学和北学融会之要枢。编纂出版《荆楚文库》既是荆楚学人找寻文化根脉的一次全面、系统梳理,更是一次提炼前人智慧,总结历代治鄂成功经验,做到古为今用、推陈出新,为文化强省建设提供学理支撑、动力源泉的重要文化工程。为集成荆楚文献,承先启后,嘉惠学林,湖北省委省政府于2014年4月决定编纂出版《荆楚文库》,同年7月,编纂出版工作启动。 Excellent cultural classics is the root of culture, the source of civilization. Jingchu culture is an important part of Chinese traditional culture. Hubei is the cradle of Chu culture and also the hub of the integration of Southern Learning and Northern Learning. Compiling and publishing “Jingchu Library” is not only a comprehensive and systematic review of the cultural roots of Jingchu scholars, but also a refinement of the wisdom of predecessors, a summary of the successful experience of governing Hubei throughout the ancient times, the use of the ancient as the present, and innovation to provide theoretical support for the construction of a strong culture province , Power source of the important cultural projects. For the integration of Jingchu literature, Cheng Kai-shek, Jia Hui Xue-lin, Hubei Provincial Party Committee and Provincial government in April 2014 decided to compile and publish “Jingchu Library”, the same year in July, editing and publishing work started.
唐代著名诗人陆龟蒙的《秘色越器》一诗:“九秋风露越窑开,夺得千峰翠色来。”唐越州青瓷之翠色,无数唐代的文人骚客为之倾倒。富庶一方的越州之地,依山傍水,勤劳的越州人以独特的智慧创造出迷人的青瓷,还深受宫廷青睐,这一抹翠,烧得不简单。  越窑,是我国古代最早的青瓷名窑之一,它的中心产区主要分布于浙东的绍兴上虞、余姚、慈溪带的宁绍平原。学界将越窑分为两个阶段,第一个阶段是汉代至六朝,此时的中心产区位于上