1.手柄通话无信号,其他正常。拿起手柄无任何信号,该机IC201(TEA1062)的①脚为3.9V,受话器RX正常,送话器MICI正端为2.1V,其他各脚电压与标称值不符,换IC201后正常。 2.能向外拨号,无铃响,免提无“嘟—”声。对方打进来无铃响,查振铃电路的元件,IC301(KA2410)周围元器件无异,换IC301后振铃正常。免提键电路板印制铜线严重腐蚀,连接后,仍无“嘟—”声,查免提键和连接线均是正常的,查小
1. Handle no signal, the other normal. Pick up the handle without any signal, the aircraft IC201 (TEA1062) ① feet 3.9V, receiver RX normal microphone MICI positive end of 2.1V, the other leg voltage does not match the nominal value, change IC201 normal. 2. Can dial out, no ring, hands-free no “beep -” sound. Ringing ring the other ring, check the ring circuit components, IC301 (KA2410) components around the same, after changing IC301 normal ringing. Hands-free circuit board printed copper serious corrosion, after the connection, there is no “beep -” sound, check the hands-free keys and cable are normal, check the small