患者男6岁右眶缘内发现肿物,1个月于1989年7月20日入院。1年前,因腹部有肿块曾在外院行右肾摘除术,病理诊断为肾母细胞瘤。术后恢复顺利,未再用其他疗法.除右腹部皮肤创口愈合外,未见其他异常.右眼视力0.6,不能矫正,左眼0.9(-0.50D=1.2)。右眼球突出(18mm),并向上方移位。眼球运动除内转正常外,其余各方向均受限。颞下方眶缘内可触及1.5×1cm 的肿物,中等硬度,表面光滑,可活动,有触痛.眼眶X 线拍片:右颞
The patient was found to have a mass within the right margin of the age of 6 years and was admitted to hospital on July 20, 1989. One year ago, his right kidney was removed in an external mass because of a mass in the abdomen. The pathological diagnosis was Wilms tumor. Postoperative recovery was smooth and no other therapies were used. There were no other abnormalities except for wound healing on the right abdomen. The right eye had a visual acuity of 0.6 and could not be corrected. The left eye was 0.9 (-0.50 D=1.2). The right eyeball protrudes (18mm) and shifts upward. Eye movements are restricted except for normal rotation. A 1.5×1cm mass can be touched in the lower palatal border, medium hardness, smooth surface, movable and tender. Eyelid X-ray film: right