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在“五一”国际劳动节即将到来之际,党中央国务院召开了全国劳动模范和先进工作者表彰大会。我们冶金系统有103名代表荣幸地出席了这次大会。今天,大家利用会议间隙时间到部里来,我们感到非常高兴。大家被评选为全国劳动模范和先进工作者,这不仅是你们的光荣,也是我们冶金战线广大职工的光荣,你们用自己的模范行动为整个冶金战线赢得了荣誉。在冶金工业改革开放和现代化建设伟大事业中,你们勇挑重担,埋头苦干,不仅出色地做好本职工作,而且起到了重要的模范带头作用,为冶金工业的发展做出了突出的贡献。你们是冶金战线英雄模范人物的突出代表,是冶金工业先进生产力的集中体现,也是冶金战线广大职工和家属学习的榜样。为此,我代表冶金部党组和冶金战线全体职工对大家在工作实践中所取得的成绩和所做出的贡献,表示热烈的祝贺和衷心的感谢! As the May Day International Labor Day is approaching, the CPC Central Committee and State Council held a commendation ceremony for the national model workers and advanced workers. A total of 103 delegates from our metallurgical system were honored to attend this conference. Today, we are very pleased to take advantage of the meeting time to the ministry. All of you have been voted as national model workers and advanced workers. This is not only your honor, but also the honor of the vast numbers of our workers in the metallurgical front. You have won the honor of the entire metallurgy field with our exemplary actions. In the great cause of the reform, opening up and modernization of metallurgical industry, you bravely took the heavy work and worked hard not only to do their jobs well, but also played an important exemplary lead role and made outstanding contributions to the development of the metallurgical industry. You are the prominent representatives of the heroes of the metallurgy front and are the embodiment of the advanced productive forces in the metallurgical industry. They are also examples for the study of workers and their families in the metallurgical front. To this end, on behalf of all the staff and workers of the Party Group and the Metallurgical Front of the Ministry of Metallurgical Affairs, I’d like to extend my warm congratulations and my sincere thanks to all the achievements and contributions made by all of you in our work practices.
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