在临床实践输液观察到,当连续静脉输注维生素K1与复合磷酸氢钾注射液时,输液管中液体呈絮状物,立即停止输液,更换输液器,并观察患者的病情变化,患者未发生输液的不良反应。为了进一步观察,将维生素K110 mg溶于0.9%氯化钠注射液100 ml中,将复合磷酸氢钾注射液2 ml溶于0.9%氯化钠
In clinical practice infusion observed, when continuous intravenous infusion of vitamin K1 and potassium hydrogen phosphate injection, the liquid in the infusion tube was floc, immediately stop infusion, replacement infusion, and observe the patient’s condition changes, the patient did not occur Infusion of adverse reactions. For further observation, the vitamin K110 mg dissolved in 0.9% sodium chloride injection 100 ml, the compound potassium hydrogen phosphate injection 2 ml dissolved in 0.9% sodium chloride