当紧张的都市生活令你血液稀薄、脑筋麻痹之际,你是否想用大自然的清新空气“换肺”和纯净山泉洗尘?那么,背上帐篷睡袋,以探险形式回归自然吧。 通过探洞、溜索、速降、登雪山.攀悬岩、爬栈道、钻丛林、趟溪沟、自扎竹筏漂流、驱车雪域高原等户外探险活动,可以饱览极致的自然风光,体验淳朴的民族风情,增强野外生存的技能,还可以体验生死与共、台作互助的感情。
When intense urban life makes you thinning blood, brain numbness occasion, do you want to use the fresh air of nature “for the lungs” and pure spring wash? Then, sleeping bag tent back, to return to nature in the form of adventure it. Through the caverns, slippery cable, downhill, snow-capped mountains. Climbing cliffs, climbing the cliff path, drilling jungle, wedges ditch, self-Zhan raft drifting, driving snowy plateau and other outdoor adventure activities, you can enjoy the ultimate natural scenery, experience the simple national customs, enhance the survival of the field skills, but also You can experience the life and death together, Taiwan friendship mutual feelings.