Determination of U-Pb age and rare earth element concentrations of zircons from Cenozoic intrusions

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Using the in situ zircon U-Pb dating method of LA-ICPMS, we analyzed the 31 Ma old SHRIMP U-Pb age of the Yongsheng nepheline syenite from southern Jilin Province under different spot sizes. The obtained ages are comparable with that of SHRIMP in both accuracy and precision. The age is also identical to that of the Yinmawanshan gabbro from the Liaodong Peninsula within error. Both the Yongsheng nepheline syenite and the Yinmawanshan gabbro represent the youngest known exposed intrusions in northeastern and even eastern China. The results indicate the Eocene mantle-derived magmatic underplating, and the rapid crustal uplifting of this region since 30 Ma. The analyses also document extremely high LREE concentrations and relatively flat REE patterns for the zircons from the Yongsheng nepheline syenite, which represent a new type of zircon REE pattern.
X是光滑的2k-1维射影簇(k≥3),fR:X→Y是小收缩映射.如果fR的例外集E的不可约分支Ei都是光滑的k维子簇,那么每个Ei必定是以下三者之一: Pk,Qk,或者是一条光滑曲线上的线性Pk-1向量丛.这里Qk是k+1维射影空间Pk+1中的k维超二次曲面.
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