说相声者“说”相声 我与范老有缘。去年初识,一见如故;今年再见,俨然就是老朋友了。我说是忘年交,他摇头摆手不同意:“忘年交不敢当,还是论兄弟吧!”范老长我30岁,以“兄弟”论我才是不敢当,于是开个玩笑搪塞:“您是相声表演艺术家,我一介书生可高攀不起。”范老正色:“可不能这么说,上边有马(三立)老呢,我哪敢称什么家呀!”“怎么说您也是名人呐。”“什么名人?谁封的?”“还用谁封?范振钰这个名字,不知道的人恐怕不多吧?”范老不以为然:“40岁往上的人,可能知道我,年轻的就不好说了。” 这可能也是事实。如今的年
Comic dialogue, “said” comic dialogue with my fan. At the beginning of last year, I saw it all the same. Goodbye this year is like an old friend. I say it is year-end pay, he shook his head do not agree: “forget the year to pay, or on the brothers!” I am 30-year-old fan to “brothers” I just can not be afraid, so joke: “You are crosstalk The performance artist, I can not afford to climb a scholar. ”Fan La Zhengzheng:“ Can you say that there are horses (Sanli) old, what dare I call home? ”“ How do you say you are a celebrity na. ” What celebrity? Who sealed? “” Who used the seal? Fan Zhenyu the name, I am afraid that people do not know much, right? “Fan old disagree:” 40-year-old man may know me, young, not easy to say This may also be true. Today’s year