Co-incubation of 2,4,5-TFA with airborne oxygen, NADPH and dexamethasone (DEX) preconditioned rat liver microsomes produced large amounts of carbon monoxide (CO) . However, untreated or β-naphthoflavone preconditioned rat liver microsomes did not have the above ability. Compared with DEX, phenobarbital (PB) -induced rat liver microsomes produced 2,4,5-TFA only 1/4 of its CO production capacity. P450ⅢA is the major P450 subunit induced by DEX and is also induced by PB. Therefore, P450ⅢA may play a major role in the degradation of 2,4,5-TFA to CO. To confirm this hypothesis, we studied the CO Correlation between capacity and catalytic activity of different P450 subfamilies. Demethylation over the selected erythromycin nitrogen, ability to generate trimethylepirin (TAO) metabolic intermediate (MI) complex, tert-butyl-p-aminobenzoate MI complex formation capacity, The activity index of P450ⅢA, which is the activity index of P450ⅢA, is only de-alkylated by iso-deoxy alkyne oxygen, deethylated by ethoxy isoproxazole and demethylated by aminopyrine. The ability of formation and erythromycin nitrogen up-demethylase activity were significantly correlated with CO production ability. To DEX induced rats treated with P450IIIA inhibitor TAO, the P450 content of rat liver microsomes, TAO-MI complex formation capacity, erythromycin nitrogen up-demethylation, and loss of CO production ability were similar. The above results show that, P450Ⅲ?