1982年的国际感光科学大会(International Congress of Photographic Science,1982)于9月6日至10日在英国剑桥大学召开。此次会议是战后第14次国际感光科学大会。参加会议的有16个国家的约250名学者,国际感光科学各领域的主要学者都出席了会议。会上共提出169篇学术论文(口头宣读21篇,墙报展出148篇),内容涉及卤化银感光乳剂工艺、潜影形成、显影以及影像结构等整个感光科学的各个领域。
The 1982 International Congress of Photographic Science (1982) was held at the University of Cambridge in the UK from September 6 to September 10. This conference is the 14th International Conference of Photographic Science after the war. Approximately 250 scholars from 16 countries attended the conference, and key scholars from various fields of international photographic science attended the conference. A total of 169 academic papers (21 oral presentations and 148 posters on display) were proposed at the conference, covering various fields of photographic science such as silver halide emulsion technology, latent image formation, development and imaging.