对2006年10月的Graph Expo的观感,美国罗彻斯特技术学院教授Frank Romano终于开口了。这位业界大师兼名嘴素来以口无禁忌著称,让人无法捉摸,说的活常让人啼笑皆非,但笑过之后却又令人深思。他除了简述展览会情况外,更以他惯朋的独特风格,预测了到2034年的印刷业,为这个枯燥的行业增添了不少趣味。他说,自从2001年以后,美国的各类展览开始衰退,地域性的展览会幸存的不多,参观的人数也是一年比一年少。进入Graph Expo会
To the impression of Graph Expo in October 2006, Frank Romano, a professor at Rochester Institute of Technology, finally spoke. The industry guru and celebrity mouth to no mouth taboo known, people can not be elusive, said people often ridiculous, but laughed but thought-provoking. In addition to his briefing on the exhibition, he forecasted the printing industry in 2034 with his unique style, adding a lot of fun to this boring industry. He said that since 2001, various kinds of exhibitions in the United States have begun to decline, and regional exhibitions have not survived. The number of visitors to the exhibition has also dropped from one to a year. Enter Graph Expo