该项研究是上海市科委下达的“城郊农业稻麦轻型栽培规范化系列技术研究”的子课题。首先研究了直播稻田杂草消长规律及其对水稻产量的损失程度,确立了稗草与直播稻产量的损失率预测式。其次,通过室内培养测定不同除草剂组合的配方,应用最优回归设计分析方法评价混用除草剂的除草效果,经大田小区试验和大面积试验示范验证,筛选出三种不同类型少(免)耕旱直播稻田(水管)使用除草剂的优良配方。前茬麦子密度较稀的田块,宜在播前3d,使用草甘磷+恶草灵的配方。随播随用药的田块,则可用丁草胺+恶草灵(60%EC75—100ml+12%EC100ml),或丁草胺+除草醚(100ml+25%WP 500g,或丁草胺+扑草净(100ml+
This research is a sub-topic of “Research on Standardization Technique of Light Agricultural Cultivation in Suburbs of the Suburbs” issued by Shanghai Science and Technology Commission. First, we studied the rule of the growth and decline of weeds in direct-seeded rice fields and the degree of loss to rice yield, and established the predictive formula for the loss rate of barnyard grass and direct-seeded rice. Secondly, we determined the herbicidal effect of different herbicides by indoor culture, and applied the optimal regression design and analysis method to evaluate the weeding effect of the mixed herbicides. After field test and large area demonstration, Dry broadcast of rice fields (water pipes) using herbicides excellent formula. Before the crop of more dilute field of wheat, should sow before the 3d, the use of glyphosate + evil spirit of the formula. With the use of plots of plots, you can use butachlor + evil spirit (60% EC75-100ml + 12% EC100ml), or butachlor + weeding ether (100ml + 25% WP 500g, or butachlor + flutter Grass net (100ml +