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“啊昌”原名何云昌,早在九十年代初就开始行为艺术的创作,成为行为艺术在中国的发端之一。九十年代末,因作品的语言穿透力和社会性批判,成为最具代表性的行为艺术家,为中国艺术界熟知。可以说,在近几十年的中国行为艺术的起伏中,啊昌以一己之力,影响了艺术界对行为艺术的认识和普及,其作品在艺术史中留下许多经典的烙印。在今天的艺术发展中,已被反复检验和 “Ah Chang ” Formerly known as He Yunchang, as early as the early nineties began the creation of performance art, became one of the origins of performance art in China. In the late 1990’s, because of the language’s penetrating power and social critique, the works became the most representative performance artists known to Chinese art circles. It can be said that in the ups and downs of Chinese performance art in recent decades, Ah Chang has influenced the understanding and popularization of performance art in the art world by his own efforts. His works have left many markups on the art history. In today’s art development, it has been repeatedly tested
先证者女,29岁,因自然流产来我科就诊.婚后5年,妊娠两次 .第1次为葡萄胎,行人工流产术;第2次在妊娠50天左右出现阴道流血,B超示胚胎停育, 后行人工流产术.夫妻双方表型及智力均正常,非近亲婚配,无有毒、有害物质接触史。