桔小实蝇(Bactrocera dorsalis)是水果和蔬菜上的重要害虫。2014年1—12月对云南蒙自市不同果园和菜地桔小实蝇进行调查并室内饲养观察,结果表明,桔小实蝇在蒙自市为害8科19属20种的瓜果蔬菜,且对枇杷、桃、枣、番石榴、杧果和洋蒲桃等水果为害较为严重;从田间采集受害寄主果实进行单果培养,收集到实蝇共计4种,分别为桔小实蝇、瓜实蝇(Bactrocera cucuribitae)、南亚实蝇(Bactrocera tau)和辣椒实蝇(Bactrocera latifrons)。桔小实蝇在蒙自全年均可为害,且世代重叠。枇杷园内,进入5月后,桔小实蝇种群数量逐渐增加,至8月份达到高峰期,最大诱捕量为(362.27±16.68)头·瓶-1,10月以后其种群数量迅速下降,至12月种群数量最低(6.14±3.06)头·瓶-1。多种气象因子互相作用影响桔小实蝇种群数量变动,其中月平均气温、月极端最低温度、月雨日数和平均日照时数是影响桔小实蝇种群数量变动的主要因素。
Bactrocera dorsalis is an important pest on fruits and vegetables. From January to December in 2014, the investigation was carried out in different orchards and vegetable field orange stunts in Mengzi City, Yunnan Province. The results showed that the fruit pests of 8 species, 19 genera and 20 kinds of fruits and vegetables in the city of Mengzi, And the fruit of loquat, peach, jujube, guava, mangosteen and popcorn were more serious. The fruit of the victim host was harvested from the field and cultivated in single fruit. Four kinds of fruit fly were collected, Bactrocera cucuribitae, Bactrocera tau and Bactrocera latifrons. Orange fruit fly in Monju throughout the year can be harmful, and generations overlap. In the loquat orchard, after entering May, the population of Trichomes gradually increased, reaching the peak in August, the maximum trapping amount was (362.27 ± 16.68) The lowest population in December (6.14 ± 3.06) first bottle -1. The interaction of multiple meteorological factors affected the population dynamics of the fruit fly. The average monthly temperature, the monthly minimum temperature, the number of monthly rains and the average number of sunshine hours were the main factors affecting the population dynamics of the fruit fly.