我们大港油田是以原油、天然气勘探开发为主业并实行多种经营的企业,有职工69000人,直属处级单位53个,工作范围1.87万平方公里。“八五”期间,油田生产持续发展,原油产量由1990年的383万吨上升到1995年的430万吨;多种经营总值和实现利税比“七五”分别增长了5.6倍和5.3倍。去年油气产量、销售收入、实现利税又有新的增长。 回顾过去的工作,我们深深体会到:企业要实现改革、发展与稳定的三大目标,思想政治工作是根本
Dagang Oilfield is a petroleum and natural gas exploration and development-based industry and the implementation of a diversified business enterprises, employees 69,000 people, directly under the unit level 53, the working area of 18,700 square kilometers. During the period of the Eighth Five-Year Plan, the oilfield production continued to grow. The output of crude oil increased from 3.83 million tons in 1990 to 4.3 million tons in 1995. The total diversified operating profits and profits increased 5.6 times and 5.3 times respectively . Last year, oil and gas production and sales revenue, profits and taxes have new growth. Looking back on the past work, we deeply understand that the three major objectives of the reform, development and stability of enterprises are to realize that ideological and political work is fundamental