选择利用合成的 N2 63 ( SCN型 )萃淋树脂用于 Co2 + 、Ni2 + 的分离 ,研究了使用该树脂时料液酸度、料液浓度及洗脱液浓度等因素对钴、镍分离的影响。实验结果表明 ,该树脂在高纯镍制备上效果良好 ,料液中的镍浓度为 85%~ 95%时 ,一次过柱 ,镍的浓度可提高至 99.95%~ 1 0 0 %。本文还对萃钴机理进行了初步探讨
In this paper, the extraction of Co2 + and Ni2 + by N265 (SCN) extraction resin was studied. The effects of acidity, concentration of feed solution and concentration of eluent on the separation of cobalt and nickel were studied. . The experimental results show that the resin has a good effect on the preparation of high purity nickel. When the concentration of nickel in the feed liquid is 85% -95%, the concentration of nickel can be increased to 99.95% -100% once through the column. This paper also carried out a preliminary discussion on the mechanism of extracting cobalt