今年二月初,英国报纸协会发表了一项调查报告,要求禁止“支票新闻”,并谴责那些用金钱收买被采访者从而获得独家新闻的记者违反职业道德。这是怎么一回事呢? 事情得从两年前说起。一九八一年一月,英国约克郡警察逮捕了六年中奸杀十三名青年女子的色魔彼德·萨克利弗,这件事在英国乃至整个西方世界成了轰动一时的大新闻。英国各报记者云集约克郡,为获得关于凶手及受害者的那怕是一星半点的情况展开了争夺战。据外电、外刊报道,在这场“战斗”进行到“白热化”时,不少记者竟出钱购买消息,少则五、六镑,多则十镑、二十镑。了解情况或线索的人则待价而沽,有人甚至捏造假情况以
In early February of this year, the British Newspaper Association published a report calling for a ban on “check news” and condemned the violation of professional ethics by journalists who used money to buy interviews with reporters for exclusive coverage. What happened? Two years ago, things started. In January 1981, the Yorkshire Police in the United Kingdom arrested a pornographic creature named Peter Saccliffe, who ransomware thirteen young women in six years, a big sensation in the UK and throughout the Western world. British newspaper reporters gathered in Yorkshire, in order to obtain the murderers and victims about even the slightest one-star situation started a battle. According to foreign media reports by foreign newspapers, when the “fighting” is going to “white-hot” in this “battle,” many reporters actually pay for the news, ranging from five to six pounds to as many as ten to twenty pounds. People who know the situation or the clues are waiting for a price, and some even fake the situation