
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(儿科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangduanhua0505
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Aims: To examine the uptake of relevant hospital services by families with dea f children and to compare use of these services between Pakistani and white fami lies. Methods: A total of 214 deaf children with amplification aids who attended their paediatric outpatient and school medical appointments from October 2000 t o March 2003 were studied in an observational cohort study. Results: The demogra phic profile of both the Pakistani and white families was similar. Pakistani chi ldren had a statistically significant excess of the following risk factors: cons anguineous marriages (86.4%Pakistani, 1.5%white), family history of deafness ( 66.4%Pakistani, 38.8%white), and family size (birth order >5: 12.8%Pakistani: 4.5%white). White children were more likely to have had post-meningitis deafn ess (1.4%Pakistani, 13.4%white) and congenital infections, or have dysmorphic features (5.0%Pakistani, 13.4%white). Overall the uptake of relevant hospital services by Pakistani and white families was very similar irrespective of an ear ly or late diagnosis. There was an increased likelihood of white families declin ing cochlear implantation (17.6%Pakistani, 75.0%white). Conclusions: This stud y did not show significant differences in hospital service uptake despite differ ent risk profiles for childhood deafness for both Pakistani and white families i n Bradford. Among specialist services offered, cochlear implantation was more li kely to be accessed by Pakistani families. Aims: To examine the uptake of relevant hospital services by families with dea f children and to compare use use of these services between Pakistani and white fami lies. Methods: A total of 214 deaf children with amplification aids who attended their pediatric outpatient and school medical appointments Results from: October 2000 to March 2003 were studied in an observational cohort study. Results: The demogra phic profile of both the Pakistani and white families was similar. Pakistani chi ldren had a significant significant of the following risk factors: cons anguineous marriages (86.4% Pakistani, 1.5% white), family history of deafness (66.4% Pakistani, 38.8% white), and family size (birth order> 5: 12.8% Pakistani: 4.5% white). White children were more likely to have had post-meningitis Overall the uptake of relevant hospital services by Pakistani and white parent was (deafn ess (1.4% Pakistani, 13.4% white) and congenital infections, or have dysmorphic features (5.0% Pakistani, 13.4% white) very similar irrespective of an ear ly or late diagnosis. There was an increased likelihood of white families declin ing cochlear implantation (17.6% Pakistani, 75.0% white). Conclusions: This stud y did not show significant differences in hospital service uptake yet differ ent risk profiles for childhood deafness for both Pakistani and white families in Bradford. Among specialist services offered, cochlear implantation was more li kely to be accessed by Pakistani families.
文章论述了用于氩激光器中浸渍式钡钨阴极和涂敷式钡钨阴极的制做工艺。 The article discusses the fabrication process of the impregnated barium tungsten cathode and
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对于甘肃省天水市第三小学的很多孩子来说,时间已经永远定格于2001年12月24日14时25分。那天,上课铃声刚刚响过,孩子们停止了嬉笑打闹,回到教室坐好,安静地 For many childr
摘 要 2018年秋季开始,福建省将进行高考制度改革,到2021年夏季是新一轮高考制度改革后的第一次高考。福建省新高考模式,與大多数省份一样,采用“3+3”模式。前“3”是必考科目,即语数外,其中外语进行两次考试,择其优计入高考总分。后“3”是选考科目,即政治、历史、地理、物理、化学、生物这六门课程中任选三门课程参加考试,此三门课程采用等级考试,分为A、B、C、D、E等共十一级,最后折算成分数纳入