汉城是座端庄、典雅的城市,而华克山庄则是座落在汉江畔的一个神奇的娱乐天堂,用韩国的“拉斯维加斯”来形容它是最恰当不过了。 8月25日,我们一行10人受韩国乐园(Paradise)华克山庄娱乐场的邀请前往汉城,进行为期4天的访问。当飞机降落在韩国的仁川机场,我们就受到了华克山庄娱乐场的工作人员的热情欢迎。从汉城市区驱车向东,就能看到横亘东北的阿且山,走过神秘的阿且山,便来到了驰名中外的华克山庄。华克山庄依山傍水,站在汉江桥畔,便能一睹山庄秀丽
Seoul is a dignified and elegant city, while Walker Hill is a magical entertainment paradise on the banks of the Han River. It is most appropriate to describe it in South Korea’s “Las Vegas”. On August 25, a group of 10 people and our party traveled to Seoul for a 4-day visit at the invitation of Paradise Walker Resorts. When the plane landed at Incheon Airport in South Korea, we were warmly welcomed by the staff at Walkerhill Casino. Driven eastward from downtown Seoul, you can see A-Shan that runs through the northeast and walked through the mysterious Ah-Ah-Shan to the famous Walker Villa. Wacker Hill Yishanbangshui, standing on the banks of the Han River Bridge, will be able to see the beauty of the Villa