白高粱新品种新高粱8号(77-85-4)是新疆农业科学院吐鲁番农业科学研究所以本地主栽高粱品种“矮弯头”做母本,从苏联引进的高粱品种“角质都拉”作父本培育而成的常规育种。2010年1月20日通过审定、命名为新高梁8号。该品种早熟,产量高,籽粒白色,粒营养物质很丰富,抗旱,抗倒伏,抗盐碱,抗黑穗病,籽粒产量在7 500 kg/hm2,茎秆产量可达49 500 kg/hm2促进农村畜牧业的良性发展。适应范围:新疆适合在吐鲁番火焰山南部大面积推广。10℃以上有效积温2 647.1℃,全生育期≥97~105 d的地方种植。
A new variety of white sorghum New sorghum 8 (77-85-4) is a Turfgrass Institute of Agricultural Sciences of Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences native sorghum varieties “short bend ” as the female parent, introduced from the Soviet Union sorghum varieties Pull "parenting breed conventional breeding. January 20, 2010 passed the validation, named the new No. 8 sorghum. The varieties are early maturing, yield is high, grain is white, grain nutrient is rich, drought resistance, lodging resistance, salt and alkali resistance, resistance to smut, grain yield at 7 500 kg / hm2 and stem yield up to 49 500 kg / hm2 The healthy development of rural livestock husbandry. Adaptation: Xinjiang is suitable for large-scale popularization in southern flames of Turpan. The effective accumulated temperature above 10 ℃ is 2 647.1 ℃, and the whole growing period is ≥97 ~ 105 d.