Soil and Water Loss and Its Comprehensive Management, edited by Comrade Guo Tingfu, Ministry of Water Resources, Ministry of Water Resources and Soil Conservation, Jilin Science and Technology Press. The book is about 200000 words, is divided into four chapters: the first chapter is soil erosion and soil and water conservation; the second chapter is a small watershed survey and comprehensive management rules; the third chapter is soil and water conservation engineering system; the fourth chapter is soil and water conservation plant system and Soil and water conservation farming system. Its characteristics: First, the combination of theory and practice, the author in-depth investigation of soil and water conservation work in our country, based on the summary, the author of the book, on the formation, occurrence and development of soil erosion also put forward some new concepts, the second is practical Strong, the book of soil and water conservation measures and the amount of engineering calculations, teach a more detailed description, with reference charts, easy to access. It brings together research