尊敬的编辑同志: 我是贵刊的忠实读者,长期以来忠实、认真地拜读每一篇文章,并将所得所获运用于实际工作之中,《中国石油企业》已经成为了我工作和生活中的良师益友。在这里感谢各位编辑的辛苦的劳动! 看到贵刊2005年第9期第128页的“挑刺”启事后,有感而发,于是大胆建议,不妥之处敬请指出。目的只有一个:希望贵刊做大做强,成为热门行业的热门刊物! 1、《中国石油企业》应为行业的领头羊, 而不仅仅是“中国石油”或“中国石化”的企业刊物,应成为国内石油能源行业诸种所
Dear Editorial Comrades: I am a loyal reader of your magazine. For a long time, I’ve read every article loyally and conscientiously, and applied the proceeds to practical work. The “Chinese petroleum enterprise” has become a place where I work and live Mentor. I would like to thank all the editors for their hard work here. After you have seen the “prickling” proclamation on page 128 of Issue 9, 2005, you should boldly suggest that something is wrong with you. Only one purpose: I hope your magazine bigger and stronger, a popular hot industry publications! 1, “China Petroleum Enterprises” should be the industry leader, not just “China National Petroleum” or “Sinopec” corporate publications, Should become the domestic petroleum energy industry all kinds of institutes