奎妮·多萝西·利维斯原名奎妮·多萝西·罗斯(Queenie Dorothy Roth,1906—1981),是20世纪英国小说批评巨匠和文化批评的先行者。《小说与阅读公众》(1932)是奎·多·利维斯批评舞台上的首秀,一经出版就奠定了她作为小说批评家和文化研究先行者的声誉和地位,从1932年出版的《小说与阅读公众》到1981年发表的最后一篇评论《英语小说的英语性》,其批评生涯跨越了整个现代小说批评史,在近半个世纪的批评生涯中,凭借其超人的智慧和胆识以及笔耕不辍的批评劳动,为世人留下了丰富而宝贵的文
Queenie Dorothy Lewis, formerly known as Queenie Dorothy Roth (1906-1981), was the forerunner of criticism and cultural criticism in the 20th century British novels. The novel and the reading of the public (1932), the quintessential critic of the stage by Quevedo Levi, laid the foundation for her reputation and position as a forerunner of novel critics and cultural studies, published in 1932 And reading the public “to the last comment published in 1981,” Englishness of English novels ", his critical career spanned the history of criticism of modern novels. Through his nearly half-century critical career, with his superhuman wisdom and courage and Pensching criticism of labor, leaving the world rich and valuable article