图为患有皮肤肿瘤的小鼠经移植抗癌特性的免疫细胞3周后,其皮肤上的肿瘤完全消失了一项新的研究发现,通过免疫细胞的移植,可以将具有抗癌特性的新品系小鼠的抗癌能力传递给其他普通品系的小鼠。这项研究由北卡罗来纳州的威克林业大学的崔正(Zheng Cui)和马克·威廉哈姆(Mark Wi
The picture shows that mice with skin tumors transplanted anti-cancer immune cells 3 weeks after the tumor completely disappeared on the skin of a new study found that immune cells can be transplanted with anti-cancer features of new lines The anti-cancer ability of mice is passed on to other common strains of mice. The study was conducted by Zheng Cui and Mark Wihim of Wake Forest University in North Carolina.