简单的统计方法,在气象资料的整理,气候学上用得很多,已有现成的教本,不预备在这里讲。较高深的统计方法和统计理论,在气象学上用得不多;主要可分下列三方面讲:(一)长期预报方面 又可分两方面:(1)相关法的应用 相关法可说是各种统计方法在气象学上应用最广的一种,几乎各种长期预报都要或多或少地用到牠。相关系数的计算,根据不同地点的相同的或不同的要素(简单的,或复合的),或同一地点时间不同的或相同的要素。将相关法有系统地应用到气象学上来,应归功于 Walker 氏。瓦氏对长期预报的贡献,如世界三大涛动的建立,由此预报某特殊区域未来气候情形,差不多都是用的相关法。近年来在美国试行的每天预报法,其理论虽是动力的,但实施起来,如最基本的环流指数的
Simple statistical methods, in the meteorological data collation, a lot of climatology, there are ready-made textbooks, not prepared to talk about here. The more advanced statistical methods and statistical theory are less used in meteorology. The main points can be divided into the following three aspects: (1) Long-term forecasting can be divided into two aspects: (1) The application of the relevant law The relevant law can be said to be Various statistical methods are the most widely used in meteorology and are used more or less on almost any long-term forecast. Correlation coefficients are calculated according to the same or different elements (simple or compound) of different locations, or different or same elements at the same place in time. The systematic application of correlation laws to meteorology owes much to Walker’s. Valsalva’s contribution to long-term forecasts, such as the establishment of the world’s three major instabilities, predicts the future climate in a particular region, and almost all the relevant laws are used. Although the theory of daily forecasting method piloted in the United States in recent years is dynamic, its implementation, such as the most basic circulation index