
来源 :中小学音乐教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhengxkun12
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教材分析:歌曲《我是中国人》□□□口这是一首曲调根据京剧曲牌中典型的西皮流水的音调缀成的戏歌。全曲唱词简短、朗朗上口,曲调的运腔十分口语化,它热情地颂扬了中华民族讲文明的传统美德。曲中每一句中均运用了前半拍的八分休止符,使得曲调刚健有力,特别在最后一句的“人”字上通过了一字多音的长运腔把音调推向全曲的最高音“5”形成高潮,继而又以下行五度结束在“1”音上,它以自豪的语气和心情唱出了中国人奋发向上的精神面貌。 Textbook analysis: song “I am Chinese” □ □ □ mouth This is a melody based on the tone of the typical West Piedmont music in the Beijing opera tunes. The whole song is short, catchy, and melodious. It warmly celebrates the Chinese nation’s traditional virtues of speaking civilization. Each song in the sentence are used in the first half of the eighth rests, making the melody strong and vigorous, especially in the last sentence “person ” on the word through the long sound chamber to push the tone to the highest pitch of the whole song “5 ” to a climax, and then to the end of the following five degrees in the “1 ” sound, it proudly tone and mood sang the Chinese spirit of making progress.