To evaluate the clinical significance of partial mean transit time (MTTp) and F-V curve shape in examining small airway function in smokers, the authors performed routine pulmonary ventilation on 116 passive and mild-to-moderate active smokers, and MTTp and F-V Discussion of Curve Shape. Conventional pulmonary ventilation and F-V curve shapes were routinely determined. MTTp is calculated using the “simple calculation method” formula. The results showed that the distribution of convex F-V curves increased with the degree of smoking. · V50, · V25 decline and MTT 45% ~ 55%, MTT 70% ~ 80% extended in the convex and severe smoking group. The range of 45% -55% MTT and 70% -80% MTT extension was between 110% and 120% of the expected value for both, indicating mild dysfunction in small airway function. Thus convex F-V curve, MTT45% ~ 55% and MTT70% ~ 80% extension, V50, · V25 decline are sensitive indicators of small airway function. Using “simple calculation method” to calculate MTTp simple and accurate, suitable for clinical application