The historical facts at all times and in all countries show that soil erosion will not bring prosperity and will eventually lead to disaster. For the past 50 years, desertification has led to the destruction of North African food due to wind erosion and desertification. In the past 50 years, the desertification led to numerous southward sub-Saharan invasions, forcing neighboring countries to abandon large areas of land suitable for farming and animal husbandry. Mesopotamia, Greece and Asia Minor were destroyed The loss caused by forest wasteland has turned innumerable cultivated land into barren land. Spanish planters planted coffee in the forests burned in Cuba, eventually turning the fertile soil into naked stone mountains. In 1934, the United States experienced a huge “black storm” sweeping the continent , Has brought great disaster to the American people. Soil erosion is not only a serious problem for the hundreds of millions of people and countries that suffer from it, but today the world population needs more land to provide more food due to the rapid growth of the world population. It has become a worldwide problem.