法国首都巴黎是座美丽的城市,是法国政治、经济、文化的中心。它的绚丽多彩与千姿百态深深吸引着法国及世界各地的参观者。有人喜爱它古色古香的城市风貌与塞纳河畔的秀丽风光;有人赞赏卢浮宫、埃菲尔铁塔、巴黎圣母院所代表的文化精萃;有人偏爱香榭丽舍大街、蒙泰尼大街、里沃利大街的繁华与奢侈……总之,巴黎是个万花筒。 巴黎市区东西长12千米,南北宽9千米。巴黎的街区很少是方方正正的,道路也很少垂直交叉,街道
Paris, the capital of the French capital, is a beautiful city and the center of French politics, economy and culture. Its colorful and varied mix of deep fascination with visitors from France and around the world. Some people love its quaint cityscape and beauty of the Seine; some admire the cultural highlights of the Louvre, the Eiffel Tower and Notre Dame de Paris; some prefer the Champs-Elysées, the Montagnards, the Rivoli Bustling and extravagant ... In short, Paris is a kaleidoscope. Paris, 12 kilometers long east-west, 9 km wide north-south. Very few neighborhoods in Paris are square and the streets are rarely intersected vertically