Lung cancer sarcoma is a rare malignant tumor, most commonly seen in the uterus, breast, nasopharyngeal, esophageal, urinary system and skin, etc. Two cases of our treatment are reported below. Example 1. Male, 58 years old, farmer, sick and coughing for more than two months, repeated hemoptysis for six days, hemoptysis of about 50-700ml/day, chest X-ray: right hilum 5x4.5cm lump shadow, margin blurry. Physical examination: Right lung breath sounds weakened, heart, liver, kidney function is normal, ESR 26mm/h, fibrobronchoscopy: There is a prominent papillary mass in the opening of the right bronchus, mucosal tissue hyperplasia, a bit like ulcer bleeding. Right lung resection, see the hilar, bronchial 5 ×