“黑池真的是个墨池子,尤其是两天的讲习会跟下来,墨水都喝饱了,还得慢慢消化吸收。”一些专业的国标舞(体育舞蹈)教师、选手从黑池归来后如此感慨。5月26日,周六1090-10:15开幕式,市长致欢迎词10:15-10:45 Mirko Gozzoli and Alessia Betti:World Champions Ballroom世界冠军的摩登舞)10:45-11:15 Maxim Kozhevniko and Yulia Zagoruychenko:Exciting South Ame rican Showdance(令人兴奋的南美表演舞11:15-11:45 Coffee(休息时间)11:45-12:15 Pete r Eggleton:Reflections and visions of Ballroom(摩登舞的反应与视觉印象)12:15-12:45 And rej Skufca and Kata rina Venturial:Our thoughts on Paso Doble(我们对斗牛舞的思索)
“Blackpool is really a pool of ink, especially two days of class to follow down, the ink is full, have to digest and absorb. ” Some professional national standard dance (sports dance) teachers, players from the Blackpool After returning so emotion. May 26, Saturday 1090-10: 15 Opening Ceremony, Mayor’s Welcome 10: 15-10: 45 Mirko Gozzoli and Alessia Betti: World Champions Ballroom Modern Dance Champions) 10: 45-11: 15 Maxim Kozhevniko and Yulia Zagoruychenko: Exciting South Ame rican Showdance (Exciting South American Dance of Performance 11: 15-11: 45 Coffee 11: 45-12: 15 Pete r Eggleton: Reflections and visions of Ballroom Reaction and Visual Impressions) 12: 15-12: 45 And rej Skufca and Kata rina Venturial: Our thoughts on Paso Doble