Autumn late autumn, the kind of garlic and long after the winter out of the leeks, often into patches of dead yellow seedlings. What is the reason? Roots and roots in garlic and leek root full of maggots on the full of small white worms, they rely on garlic and garlic leek roots and leek tiller Festival life. These tiny maggots are small flies called flies and onion flies that multiply in eggs, leek rhizosphere and manure. Garlic bulbs and stems and leaves contain a greasy volatile liquid - propylene sulfide, which constantly volatile to the air, and the kinds of flies, onion flies like this smell, they come to the end, the spawning offspring - maggots (Also known as species maggot, onion maggots). Many vegetable growers are struggling to prevent such underground maggots. Pesticide control, dose, concentration is not easy to grasp, afraid of phytotoxicity. Last year we